
Below are the following types of character species you may use for creating a character.

Anthropomorphic Creatures

  • Anthros are a hybrid between a human and animal or beast, acquiring traits  from both species. Many are native to surrounding forests or areas there animal may be adapted to. 
  • The main cause of this species is transplants form humans to animals in an      attempt to cure certain sicknesses. The patient would generally be normal after surgery, but any offspring were mixed with the animal's DNA and caused the child to mutate into an anthro. 
  • Anthros were the first species to emerge among humans. Unfortunately, the humans did not tkae a liking to them and for a period of time, they were slaves. pets and fighting tools. Remnants of that dark his still linger to this day but many have escape into different homelands.
  • Animal lovers are usually the only type of human to accept them, while as hunters find them repulsive and hunt them for sport and or fur coat.
  • A few cities have laws against hunting of this species due to protests.


  • Shapeshifters are human like creatures that are able to change form or identity at will. They can shift into several forms, sometimes including a mythical beast. They can control when and what to transform into most of the time, but there are exceptions. Occasionally, a shifter may become stuck in a certain form depending on the circumstances.
  • This species is closely related with anthropomorphic creatures, both species going through much of the same past relations.
  • Shapeshifters are probably the most accepted species in human society and can easily blend in due to there abilities. Some live full lives as pets and companions to humans, while others live a standard human life.
  • Despite being accepted by humans, this species is normally harrassed by other mythical races in the wilderness due to the soft living style.
  • Anthros and Shapeshifters, however closer in origin they may be, do not usually mix well. Many anthros are jealous of there powers of changing at will since they are stuck as an inbetween creature.
  • Some shapeshifters may not have a main form as a human or animal, but as an unknown species or field of energy.


  • Lycanthropes are the class of humans with the ability into turning into wolf forms. Some have the ability to shapeshift into a wolf or an anthropomorphic wolf-like creature. This similar trait may have been inherited from Shapeshifters and Anthros. 
  • Like shifters, Lycans can control their transformations, should the need arise. 
  • A bite from a lycan can transform someone into a werewolf if they survive. A werewolf is a lowerclass of lycanthropes, but are cursed with forcibly and painfully 
  • changing under the full moon. They can no control their transformation. The intellegence, emotions and logic all turn to that of a savage blood thirsty beast until morning.
  • Lycans generally look down upon werewolves because of there ruthless transformation. Humans also have grown to hate all lycanthropes because of werewolfves' impulsive raids and killing streaks,
  • Lycanthropes have an ongoing feud with Vampyres for an unknown reason that dates many centuries back. It may just be due to the difference in lifestyles as Lycanthropes live in the hardships of nature in the forest by choice while Vampyres have a more luxurious lifestyle in the city, often being the richest where they live.


  • Vampyres are the reanimated body of a dead being, believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of sleeping humans. A typical vampyre is notorious for having longer, elf pointed ears, red eyes, weakness to sunlight, an ability to transform into a bat and possibly bat wings. However, there may be some that do not fit this criteria.
  • There are many types aside from the stereotpyical vampyre, including spiritual, energy, pure blood, and mixed blood vampires.
  • Energy vampyres tend to feed off of ones aura thats given off instead of blood. They can slowly drain someone of powers and strength, as well as mental traits such as emotion and logic. Sometimes, it may be on purpose and for others, it might not be. And energy vampyre may be the most difficult race to recognize, but the most lethal as well.
  • Pure Bloods are the highest rank of vampyres in their society and are similar to nymphs and witches. Most are believe to be descendants from Dracula's bloodline. These vampyres are normally blessed with attractive looks, self containment, deceitive speech and self control.
  • Only a bite from a pure blood will turn someone into a vampire, compared to popular belief. However, these types of vampyres may be unstable, such as werewolves and attack humans and other races as well without control. The two races have mutual hatred from humans because of this.


  • They are spiritual beings believed by humans to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of Gods represented in human form with wings. They are known for being a guardian spirit or guiding influence. Although this is not true, angels do follow a divine and peaceful nature.
  • An angel is characterized by the wings on it's back. The accepted type of angels humans praise are the ones with shining white wings. Not all angels have this color wings though. Possible colors may be white, silver, gey, black, beige, tan, brown, red and rarely a pale blue. Some angels may also have markings similar to bird wings.
  • 'Fallen Angels' are angels given that name if they have dark colored wings, such as black or brown. They are believe by people to be  angels who rebelled against the heavens and were cast out. Whether or not this is true, fallen angels are frowned upon by humans.
  • Not all angels keep to an innocent nature. some are mischievious and do harm to humans and other races out of choice or hate. Dark angels are usually given this reputation and are regarded to the same as demons.


  • Demons can be in a variety of strange forms. They are thought to mainly possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell by humans. Demons may take the form of other beasts at times, but the ones that can't are not considered to be of a pure demon decent. 
  • Ancient curses are the only thing seeming to be able to restrict them. Humans, out of fear, have even created a purifying process, but the demons usually never survive through it. If it is successful, the demon is either destroyed or turned into a normal human.
  • Demons have many subspecies that are believed to be decendants, such as gargoyles, imps, and possibly even creatures such as dragons.
  • Imps are smaller, less destructive version of demons. Ther role is more of trouble makers than actual destruction. They are usually smaller in stature and only hae a fw powrs to aid them.
  • Gargoyles are a considered a subspecies of demons and not many are sure about there origins. Most are entrapped as stone figures, originally being a demon once in their life before the imprisonment. Once they are break from there stone state by someone, the person that awakened them tends to be there master unless the master says otherwise. The race itself is classified as being overseers and guardians of people, but also very vengeful.
  • Demons have a sterotypical feud with angels. Many fro each race with attack the other just from pure looks. 
  • Although demons are characterized as evil by humans, some demons may have the same personality as an angel has. The same can be the same about angels.


  • Nymphs are mythological spirits of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations. Out of all other races, nymphs are considered the most humanlike. 
  • They contain great magical abilities and knowledge, much more so then other races. 
  • Some may appear gentle and kind, but in reality are cruel and more dark hearted than demons. They are known for taking froms such as sirens and mermaids.
  • Nymphs may also be called elemental beings. Some have abilities to take on properties of elements fully and bend them to there will. normally, they will have masted a great deal of the elements.


  • The elves were originally thought of as a race of divine or semi-divine beings endowed with magical powers. They use both for the benefit and the injury of mankind and typically represented as a small, elusive figure in human form with pointed ears and magical powers.

The Elements

   In addition to a different race, they may learn to master a type of element or elements depending on the race's stature. A general breakdown of the elements can be found below. There can be a max of three elements, but the character must learn them later on. Your character has the choices below:

  1. 1 Legendary element
  2. 2 Main elements
  3. 1 Main and 1 Other element
  4. 3 Other Elements

Legendary Elements:

     The life creating elements only few acquire that were the first 4 elements. Normally, only ancient races acquire powers simiar to these, bu few have been hand chosen recently.





The Main 4 Elements:

     The 4 main elements everyone is used to. Each share a bond with the legendary element above them.





Secondary Elements:

     Secondary elements are combinations of the main 4 elements. They are normally learned by those who learn 2 or more main elements.


Fire and Sky


Fire and Earth


Earth and Water


Water and Sky


Fire and Water


Earth and Sky
